Liten gosse tänker stora tankar. Eller så famlar han bara i bloggosfären.
lördag, september 08, 2007
Personligt världsrekord
I dag slog jag personligt världsrekord i antalet steg. Känns malligt. Motsvarar ungefär en mil. Och gicks med stavar.
Nu handlar kampen om fortsatt överlevnad mest om att också stoppa i mig lite mindre mat.
2 kommentarer:
Hi magnus.
How are you? Everthing great here. finishing this and of to the bed =) I didnt remember your email adress so i thought this was a good way to get my paper in. Hope you agree. Got no clue what i should write about, cant remember that either. Good student ;) Well i can tell you about our movie-project in swedish class, we did the final shots today. It was funny as hell because we had to do some really embracing stuf. But also a bit scary because its ilegal (i think?). However. It went fine and i cant wait to show the class our movie! Proably gonna win an Oscar for my performance, but i dont wanna brag to much.
Nice, tack alltid trevligt med såväl kommentarer som inlämningsuppgifter. Mejladressen ska stå på tavlan i tvåan. Och texten vara en kort presentation av dig själv.
2 kommentarer:
Hi magnus.
How are you? Everthing great here. finishing this and of to the bed =)
I didnt remember your email adress so i thought this was a good way to get my paper in. Hope you agree. Got no clue what i should write about, cant remember that either. Good student ;) Well i can tell you about our movie-project in swedish class, we did the final shots today. It was funny as hell because we had to do some really embracing stuf. But also a bit scary because its ilegal (i think?). However. It went fine and i cant wait to show the class our movie! Proably gonna win an Oscar for my performance, but i dont wanna brag to much.
Well, gotta sleep now. Clock is ticking away.
Best regards
Nice, tack alltid trevligt med såväl kommentarer som inlämningsuppgifter. Mejladressen ska stå på tavlan i tvåan. Och texten vara en kort presentation av dig själv.
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